This project demonstrates what I have learned about AI and what we think of it now. In my essay, I took time to highlight the pros of AI and address the cons with ways that it can be a positive experience.
To kickstart my essay, I initiated a conversation with ChatGPT to tap into its insights on the advantages and drawbacks of integrating AI with design. Subsequently, I used these insights to craft my essay, infused with my unique style, unmistakably my own. My central objective here is to encourage readers to contemplate authenticity's pivotal role in the ongoing use of AI. It's essential to recognize that AI doesn't consistently deliver realism; instead, it provides outputs based on the knowledge it's absorbed, prompting us to question the trustworthiness of AI-generated content.
After inquiring with ChatGPT about its hypothetical physical form, I engaged in a series of questions, eventually leading to the concept of a holographic representation. To bridge the realms of design and AI, I decided to transform a photograph of myself – a designer – into the hologram ChatGPT envisioned. I captured a studio portrait to commence this creative journey, donning simple attire and minimal makeup, emphasizing my human essence.
Subsequently, I transformed myself into a holographic representation using Adobe Photoshop. Realizing that a solitary holographic self wouldn't suffice, I incorporated my entire essay, visually manifesting it as a stream of code emanating from my alternate side. The culmination of this creative process involved the addition of the essay's title, tying the entire concept together seamlessly. 

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